About Us

Welcome to HmoobDub

Hmoob Dub (or H-Dub) started in 2020, it is a place where our audience or learners entertain themselves and educate them about life to improve their skills, knowledge and awareness in the modern world.

Our main focus on this website (Hmoob Dub) is: 1) Entertain our elders or any "audience" by easily navigating related to content or topics. Therefore, our elders and learners can have a more relaxed time. 2) Educate our audience and learners who want to learn about the modern relevant skills, knowledge and awareness of the world..

Copyright: Quickly explain to our audience / learners "in any form"

Me and other contributors to this site "HmoobDub" (or become contributors) have provided you (our audience) with skills and knowledge based on personal experience. Some contributors may or may not have any education background. Please note that all contributors are sharing their ideas to improve the community. The information found in HmoobDub is not 100% accurate: therefore, you (our audience, learners, viewers) should be responsible for your own action on any type of significant investment. If there any copyright infringement found on this site, please contact me via the contact form, and let me know.

We hope you find HmoobDub helpful and able to learn new skills from our HmoobDub.

Contact Information
H-Dub welcomes any questions or comments? Feel free to contact US at: HmoobDubbed@gmail.com

Effective from April 3, 2020